ridge’s lines

遠くの山を見つめた時に、仮名の繊細な「線」を見出した。漢字はもともと書き記すために使われてきたが、仮名は漢字を読 む送りがなや和歌を綴るためにできた話し言葉である。仮名は、山の稜線や花の花弁、木の枝の形など自然の造形に近いよ うに感じる。仮名が生まれた時代は自然と人が共生していたであろう。しかし、文字が生まれたことで文化が発達し、都市が 形成され、自然は人の手によって壊されていった。人がやみくもに自然を破壊せず、共存する社会を求めている。

When I gazed at the mountains in the distance, I found the delicate “lines” of kana. Kanji characters were originally used for writing, while kana is a spoken language that was created to spell out waka poems and the phonetic alphabet used to read kanji characters. The kana seems to be similar to natural forms, such as the ridges of mountains, the petals of flowers, and the shapes of tree branches. In the time when kana was created, nature and people would have coexisted in harmony. However, with the birth of letters, culture developed, cities were formed, and nature was destroyed by human hands. We are seeking a society where people do not blindly destroy nature but coexist with it.